What is Implementation Research? Typical implementation goals, questions and studies.
Byron J. Powell
Implementation Strategies.
Maria E. Fernandez
Planing and Tailoring Implementation Strategies
Brian S. Mittman
Evaluation of Complex Health Intervention
Alvaro Sánchez
De-implementation of low value practices: from an individual to a collective perspective
Case studies
Case study 1:
The Implementation strategy for the transfer and adoption of successfully proven good practices on digitally enabled integrated person-centred care to heterogeneous contexts
Ane Fullaondo
Case study 2:
The role of context: Using implementation science to evaluate and provide scaling up recommendations for a health promotion intervention program implemented in primary care
Heather L Rogers
Case study 3:
What is happening in the gap?:
The implementation process of an online
psychological intervention to address
depression in Primary Care settings.
Rosa Lorente
Case study 4:
Facilitating Integrative Oncology service implementation: Translation of international experience into localised interventions
Vicent Chung
Case study 5:
The effectiveness and implementation of a lifestyle focused approach in the treatment of inpatients with mental illness (MULTI+)
Natascha den Bleijker &
Myrthe van Schothorst
Case study 6:
Understanding determinants of implementing self-management support in cancer services: a practical application of theory to guide tailoring of strategies
Nickola Pallin
Case study 7:
Adapting an innovative “Smoke-free home” intervention in Catalonia through a stakeholder-engaged and systematic approach (IM-Adapt)
Cristina Martínez & Olena Tigova
Case study 9:
Audit & feedback and a pharmacist-led Intervention to Reduce Inappropriate Medication prescribing in patients over 65 years in primary Care. AIM Study: Multicenter Clinical Trial.
Alfonso Leiva
Case study 10:
Implementing Evidence-based patient safety Practices into perioperative care: the SAFEST Project
Carola Orrego
Case study 12:
Mixed-methods process evaluation and implementation costs of a complex intervention to improve Initial Medication Adherence to cardiovascular disease and diabetes treatments in primary care (the IMA-cRCT study)
Carmen Corral
Rafel Ramos
Obtaining health impacts through Implementation Research: Network for Research on Chronicicy, Primary Care, and Health Promotion (RICAPPS)
Sara Hunter
Mobilising Implementation on the i-PARIHS Framework
Lauren Clack
Development of implementation science in the Swiss context