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Implementation Research Scientific Conference 2023

June 12th-14th in Bilbao


Join us at the Implementation Research Scientific Conference which will be held in Bilbao in 2023.

 This conference comes at a crucial juncture in which it is essential to think about how Implementation Science and practice may work together in order to facilitate the translation of evidence-based interventions into routine clinical practice aiming to increase their reach, adoption, implementation and maintenance. 

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The purpose of this conference is to disseminate the fundamentals of Implementation Research among national and international health care services managers and researchers, and especially among the RICAPPS and Osakidetza partners, to foster implementation research and to generate new implementation research projects to be developed. 

Participants in this conference will be given the sufficient theoretical and methodological grounding to promote the use of theories, models, theoretical frameworks and specific research methodologies developed within the field of Implementation Science.


Specific Objectives

  • Define implementation research as a field distinct from, but complementary to, clinical and health services research.

  • Understand what implementation strategies are and the fundamentals of implementation research. 

  • Use theoretical models and implementation frameworks to design effective strategies to support implementation of proven interventions.

  • Identify the different approaches used to design and evaluate implementation strategies.

Major Topics

  • IMPLEMENTATION RESEARCH goals and research questions.  Understanding pre-implementation studies, such as research to document and diagnose quality and implementation gaps, and different types of implementation studies (trials, observational studies). Understanding when clinical innovations are sufficiently “evidence-based” to be ready for implementation and how to proceed when they are not, e.g., hybrid effectiveness-implementation studies.


  • IMPLEMENTATION INTERVENTIONS: overview of the range of different strategies and their use; designing implementation strategies using theory and the results of pre-implementation work that identified the root causes of implementation gaps and barriers and facilitators to practice change.


  • EVALUATION: Studying and evaluating processes and outcomes of implementation strategies.

Curso de EducaciĆ³n de Adultos

Teaching Methods

Lectures and case studies on real examples using adult-learning methods. There will be a strong practical emphasis using examples of real implementation research project.

Each day is divided as follows:

  • Introductory lecture on the concepts, theory and methods of Implementation Science.

  • Case studies showing real examples on previously introduced contents.

  • Short feedback and discussion time.

Who is it for?

The Implementation Research Scientific Conference is aimed at managers and researchers in national and international health services. Individuals or organisations dedicated to or interested in translating, adopting and implementing evidence into clinical practice and health service policies.

Cresta de la montaƱa

Funding: Network for Research on Chronicity, Primary Care, and Health Promotion (RICAPPS) received a research grant from the Carlos III Institute of Health, Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spain), awarded on the call for the creation of Health Outcomes-Oriented Cooperative Research Networks (RICORS), with reference RD21/0016/0003, co-funded with European Union – NextGenerationEU funds, which finance the actions of  The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).


This activity is funded from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Spain, with reference RD21/0016/0003, co-funded with European Union – NextGenerationEU funds, which finances the actions of The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).

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